Kle­vers auf der IEX in USA

Visit us at our stand from 12.-13.09.2017 in Houston, TX, USA.
 We are looking forward to you!

2017-04-03T17:34:23+02:0001. April 2017|

Tech­tex­til North America

Visit us at our stand in the German Pavillon from 20.-22.06.2017 in Chicago, USA. We are looking forward to you!

2017-04-03T17:31:07+02:0001. March 2017|

Kle­vers auf der Tech­tex­til 2017

Visit us at our stand Hall 3 Floor 0 Stand D80 from 09.-12.05.2017 in Frankfurt. We are looking forward to you!

2017-04-03T09:53:57+02:0001. February 2017|

Kle­vers auf der JEC World in Paris

We shall be attending the JEC World in Paris this year too.
 Why not arrange a date with us!

2017-04-03T09:31:19+02:0002. January 2017|
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