Glass high temperature

We pro­vi­de our fabrics in dif­fe­rent struc­tures, widths, thic­k­nes­ses and wea­ves as well as with appli­ca­ti­on-spe­ci­fic, func­tion­al finishing.

   500 ºC

Kle­vo­Glass │ Texo │ Itex
  • Kle­vo­Glass │ Fabric made from fila­ment yarns or twi­nes │ Weight per unit area bet­ween 160 g/m² and 1050 g/m²
  • Kle­vo­Glass Texo │ Fabric made from tex­tu­red fila­ment yarns, tex­tu­red rovings or tex­tu­red twi­nes │ Weight per unit area up to 3000 g/m²
  • Kle­vo­Glass Itex │ Fabric made from effect-tex­tu­red fila­ment yarns │ Weight per unit area up to 900 g/m²

   600 ºC

Kle­vo­Glass V4A │ Texo V4AHTM 600
  • Kle­vo­Glass V4A │ Fabric made from fila­ment yarns or twi­nes with V4A-wire rein­force­ment │ Weights per unit area up to 660 g/m²
  • Kle­vo­Glass TexoV4A Fabric made from tex­tu­red yarns and twi­nes with V4A-wire rein­force­ment │ Weight per unit area up to 1230 g/m²
  • Kle­vo­Glass Texo (V4A) HTM 600 │ Fabric made from tex­tu­red yarns and twi­nes with non-slip finish (HTM 600) │ Also pos­si­ble with V4A-wire rein­force­ment │ Weight per unit area up to 1240 g/m²

   700 ºC

Kle­vo­Glass Htex │ HT70 │ HT90
  • Kle­vo­Glass Htex │ Fabric made from tex­tu­red and high-tem­pe­ra­te finis­hed yarns and twi­nes │ Weight per unit area up to 1370 g/m²
  • Kle­vo­Glass HT70 │ Fabric made from tex­tu­red fila­ment yarns or twi­nes with high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re finish on the fabric │ Also pos­si­ble with V4A-wire rein­force­ment │ Weight per unit area up to 2040 g/m²
  • Kle­vo­Glass HT90 │ Fabric like HT70 │ Spe­cial high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re finish makes it ide­al­ly sui­ta­ble for wel­ding protection

   800 ºC

Kle­vo­Glass HtexPlus

Kle­vo­Glass Htex­Plus │ Fabric made from finis­hed spe­cial glass with high ther­mal sta­bi­li­ty and resistant tex­ti­le cha­rac­ter at con­ti­nuous appli­ca­ti­on tem­pe­ra­tu­re of 800 ºC

   1000 ºC

Kle­vo­Sil │ Texo
  • Kle­vo­Sil │ Fabric made from sili­ca glass yarns with high sili­con dioxi­de con­tent │ Weight per unit area up to 1100 g/m²
  • Kle­vo­Sil Texo │ Fabric made from tex­tu­red sili­ca glass yarns or threads │ Also pos­si­ble with V4A-wire rein­force­ment │ Weight per unit area up to 1150 g/m²

   1200 ºC

  • Ses­to­nit® 1100 A │ Fabric made from spe­ci­al­ly finis­hed sili­ca­te glass │ Distin­gu­is­hed by increased strength in the ran­ge from 800 ºC to 900 ºC │ Per­ma­nent ther­mal sta­bi­li­ty up to 1200ºC